Welcome to Ledgeway Sangha
Ledgeway Sangha is an entheogenic church that exists to deepen humanity further into Knowing Love through communal psychedelic experiences.
Welcome to a church with no doctrine or dogma; one that aims to deepen people into a direct experience of the ineffable, rather than just pointing at it with prescribed beliefs or other mental constructs. This is a church that creates mystics, not priests.
A New Journey Style for Lasting Transformation
We’ve pioneered a powerful new journey style that's quite different from both the traditional therapeutic and recreational approaches common today.
Our communal approach is purposefully casual, open, and social like a recreational container, but where the invitation is not just to come and have fun, but to come be of service to each other in the present moment, to practice loving and being loved more deeply, and ultimately, to build the capacity to release resistances and judgments until we’re just being love together, resting in loving acceptance of all that is.
This invitation to engage in deep self-work, supported by community, leads to participants regularly experiencing profound moments of transformative breakthroughs and the best version of themselves. And because this happens in connection with others who participants see again and again, there is no stark return to a different life, where it becomes hard to integrate the shifts experienced into one’s day to day life. Here, transformation emerges within a solid, established community that’s already integrated into one’s life, making sustained transformation inevitable without the need for a separate “integration” process.
“The Next Buddha May Be a Sangha”
- Thich Nhat Hanh
Let us not think that we understand Love, for Love will always defy mind’s attempts to reduce and categorize with boundary and definition; let us instead know Love from a place before mind, where we can experience that which is always and only whole.
Let us not think of Love as just an emotion we sometimes feel, for that reduces our taste of the infinite to just a fleeting personal experience; let us instead know Love as the timeless feel of all things, something not that temporarily arises within us, but within which we temporarily arise.
Let us not think of ourselves as the source of Love nor as its container, for Love is the only source, and nothing can contain the infinite; let us instead know Love as the boundless ocean that holds us all in its embrace, even when we’re like fish oblivious to the water we swim in.
Let us not think we’re falling in Love with another, for we were already in Love all the time; let us instead know that we are simply remembering this truth in their presence, and when we say we are in Love, we may as well stop the sentence right there, for there is no further distinction we can make without losing the truth of Love’s everything.
Let us not think of Love as a powerful force, not even as the most powerful force in the universe, for that too is too partial; let us instead know Love as the only force in the universe, with everything else just its expression.
Let us not think of Love as something that has an opposite, for that which has an opposite is not infinitely whole; let us instead know Love as that which even includes its opposite, and thus the opposite of Love can only be Love without an opposite.
Let us not think we will best express Love by orienting our life around what we see as our highest values, visions, or who we want to be in the world, for these are but stories mind weaves, and mind’s most glorious stories are just Love’s most devious lies; let us instead orient each day by simply asking “How does Love want to use me today?”, knowing the grandest symphonies come when we are Love’s instruments, not its conductors.
Let us not think of ourselves as humans experiencing Love, for human identity is just Love’s disguise; let us instead know ourselves as Love experiencing humanness, with each individual identity just a playful mask in Love’s game of hide & seek. And let us dispel this silly notion that we must love ourselves before loving others, and instead remember that there are no others, and we are simply Love’s longing for itself.
Let us not think of ourselves as something separate from Love, nor even as its parts, for just as waves are both the ocean and its expression, so too are we Love and Love’s expression; let us instead know ourselves as the ocean within each wave and as each wave within the ocean, and let us always remember that even a breaking wave is just the ocean rediscovering its wholeness.
Brian J. Robertson
Brian Robertson is best known for creating Holacracy, the most widespread framework in the world today for running self-managed companies using a decentralized power structure in lieu of a traditional management hierarchy. He’s founded and built many organizations over the past 30 years as an entrepreneur, including HolacracyOne, which helps companies use self-management to unleash creativity and empowered leadership, and the software company GlassFrog, which helps both traditional and self-managed companies drive organizational transparency, agility, and alignment to purpose. To date, tens of thousands of companies in over 50 countries have embraced his pioneering methods and ideas, and his frequent public speaking seamlessly weaves between business, management, consciousness, and love. Brian is currently focused on building Ledgeway Sangha, an entheogenic church that’s harnessing psychedelics for the development of consciousness & community.
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